Friday, March 30, 2007

God Help Us...

Romney Considers Bush As Running Mate

Among those Romney mentioned for the second slot on the Republican ticket were three Southerners: South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

How many worlds does it take???

Ok, so here is a great test for y'all.

Ecological Footprint

Take the test and post your results!

I thought I was pretty green but it would take 6.8 earths if everyone lived like my family lives! Ugh... Time to make some changes in my ecological footprint!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hutcherson supports throwing s**t at gay activists

Our dear reverend Kenny Hutcherson recently visited Latvia claiming to represent the White House office of Faith Based Initiatives. This has landed Kenny in a steaming pile of crap as a call for an FBI investigation is underway.

First of all I have an issue with our tax dollars going to faith based initiatives at all. I believe this is unconstitutional in that the separation of church and state is violated. Not to mention the majority of the funding has been proven to go to conservative religious organizations that are predominantly republican supporters. But this is a whole separate article that I will get to some day.

In the meantime Kenny's claims to be a US Official are just another part of that ego maniacal behavior that he exhibits time and again. The fact that he is supporting a church group who threw excrement at pro-gay activists is a testament to the new low that this Seattle bigot has sunk.

Row over anti-gay "envoy" hits Latvia as White House denies link

[Hutcherson] visited Latvia in early March at the invitation of the New Generation church, whose supporters famously pelted pro-gay activists with bags of excrement at a rally last summer.

Once again our famous self proclaimed super hero Bucolic Braggadocio strikes with his self humiliation death ray! This time he not only humiliates himself but takes an entire country down with him!
The affair now has the potential to embarrass Latvia both
domestically and internationally.

Way to go BB!

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Largo Fires T woman

I have been catching the news on this travesty when I can but have not researched enough to do an article justice. This is such a compelling story considering the non-discrimination policy that the city has yet they still fired the man as soon as he announced he would be transitioning. I am going to refer you to Pam's House Blend for this one. Pam has done a great job of capturing the story as it unfolds...

Largo Fires Stanton

Read it and weep...

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Ex-Gay Hysteria


The video below was pulled by YouTube. I guess it was just too humiliating for the ex-gay movement.

Pam has the scoop at the Blend!
Ex-gay Randy Thomas torches ex-gay 'therapist' Richard Cohen

Yipes. Is there a catfight? After "conversion therapist" Richard Cohen's embarrassing, clownish appearance on The Daily Show demonstrating his techniques on how he frees men from homosexuality (the clip was yanked by YouTube, photos below from my post on it), Exodus International's Randy Thomas couldn't take it any more. He had to unload on Cohen for making the movement look bad.

OMG! This made me laugh so hard I almost blew coffee out my nose!

Wayne Besen featured on the daily show with a smackdown of "Certified sexual re-orientation coach" and author of "Coming Out Straight" Richard Cohen.

I wonder where one gets certified as a "sexual re-orientation coach" I would like to get certified so I can re-orient a couple of straight guys (namely Brad Pitt and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers).

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

The fall of a sick society

What kind of a society have we become that a 12 year old can die of a toothache? What have we done as a community that a child can be abused and tortured to death?

For Want of a Dentist (from the Washington Post on 2/28)
Twelve-year-old Deamonte Driver died of a toothache Sunday.

A routine, $80 tooth extraction might have saved him.

If his mother had been insured.

If his family had not lost its Medicaid.

If Medicaid dentists weren't so hard to find.

If his mother hadn't been focused on getting a dentist for his brother, who had six rotted teeth.

By the time Deamonte's own aching tooth got any attention, the bacteria from the abscess had spread to his brain, doctors said. After two operations and more than six weeks of hospital care, the Prince George's County boy died.

This is a fairly old story but I want to bring it back to the forefront. It seems that we, as a society, jump all over this type of issue and then it quickly fades to distant memory never to be discussed or mentioned again. The increase in our societal apathy is appalling.

Which brings me to the case of our recent local avoidable child death. Summer Phelps was tortured and killed by her parents. The outrage was quick and severe. People were becoming so abusive in the blog posts on the step mothers blog that relatives had to pull the site from MySpace.

Blogs foster the return of public pillory

The above blog from the Spokesman Review covers an interesting aspect of this abuse case.

How far we have fallen if a child can die of a toothache on one side of the country and a child can die of extreme abuse and torture on the other side. The quick, justifiably brutal online attacks are a quick release of the anger people felt over this tragedy.

But what does it accomplish? Not much. The outrage of the community is expressed in the time it takes to type a 100 word letter to the editor or jot a note on a blog.

How quickly will that outrage drift from our memory? - Just as quickly as we can hit the send button.

What is accomplished by the collective outrage? - nothing.

Will any of those who posted to the website or wrote letters to the editor do something more after they hit the send button? - not likely, that would require additional thought, action and time.

All that being said, you should not worry, have another cheeseburger, take another anti-depressant. As soon as you finish, everything will be right as rain.

I promise.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Bill Would Include Gays Under Hate Crimes Law

Of course the wingnuts are all over this with their collectively wadded panties.

Support the cause!

Sign the HRC Petition.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy(?) Anniversary

Today marks fourth anniversary of the Iraq war.


Enough said.

Candle light vigil is tonight at 6:30 in front of the Federal Building in downtown Spokane.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


There has not been much to hooray about lately so this is timely!

Indianapolis public schools move to add sexual orientation to anti-discrimination policies

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Must see website

This is a great website highlighting 10 same sex couples and their struggles. I think we can all relate to these couples. This is a great project! Take a gander after the link!

10 Couples

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Genetic cleansing...

I was in the process of typing up an article about this then cruised on over to the Blend and there was the post already done by Pam!

Baptist leader urges 'genetic cleansing' of homosexuality
One of the nation's leading Southern Baptists has called for a policy that would support medical treatment, if it were to become available, to change the sexual orientation of a fetus inside its mother's womb from homosexual to heterosexual.

"If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation to heterosexual is ever developed, we would support its use as we should unapologetically support the use of any appropriate means to avoid sexual temptation and the inevitable effects of sin."
-- Rev. R. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY

I just don't know where to begin with this one! First the evangelicals say that Homosexuality is a choice now they are moving towards the belief that it is genetic. So they suggest that it is OK to treat a fetus for homosexuality if it will make it a heterosexual. On the other hand if a fetus is determined to have a genetic abnormality of, say, Downs Syndrome treatment is forbidden because this defect is "God's will".

Is there no end to the hypocrisies?

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Monday, March 12, 2007

The retirement of the gay ghetto

In an article on called Gay Villages Disappearing gays in San Francisco are lamenting that the Castro district is turning into a straight enclave. With an influx of young hipsters who enjoy the diversity of the neighborhood. This is driving prices up and the gays out!

For more than 30 years, most big cities have had a district either explicitly or implicitly understood to be the place to go if you were gay _ the West Village and Chelsea in New York City, Washington's Dupont Circle, Boston's South End.

But as gays and lesbians win legal rights and greater social acceptance, community activists worry these so-called "gayborhoods" are losing their relevance. Like the bedsheet-sized rainbow flag rippling majestically at the intersection marking the entrance to the Castro, they are at a historical crossroads.

"What I've heard from some people is, 'We don't need the Castro anymore because essentially San Francisco is our Castro,'" said Don Romesburg, who co-chairs the GLBT Historical Society.

I have to ask, is this not for the best? Regardless of the historical struggles to create the Castro, these will live on in our history just like the civil war, did we not achieve the ultimate goal in San Francisco? To live openly as a sexual minority anywhere in the city without fear of persecution, injury or oppression?

I think the integration of gays into all aspects of society is the ideal. Why force segregation on ourselves if we don't have to? This is a distinct turning point in the evolution of gay rights. When we used to shout "we're here - we're queer - get used to it!" I don't think anyone had in mind what our society would look like when society as a whole actually did "get used to it".

Granted, many areas of society in this nation are still way behind in acceptance of gays and lesbians. Nonetheless it is a good sign of things to come when the gay ghettos can start retiring.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Utah becoming the most anti-gay state?

Nigeria is under fire for proposing the most anti-gay laws in history.

“The proposal under debate in Nigeria's House of Representatives would outlaw not just gay marriages, but any form of association between gay people, social or otherwise, and publication of any materials deemed to promote a "same-sex amorous relationship."
Anyone attending a meeting between gay people, even two friends in a private house, could receive a sentence of five years under the act. Engaging in homosexual acts is already illegal in Nigeria, with those convicted facing jail terms in the south and execution in the north.”

Utah is ranking right up there with the Nigerians in their bigotry and hatred:

Utah priest drops mass for gays
A Roman Catholic priest in Utah plans to end a monthly Mass for gays and lesbians after drawing fire from conservative parishioners.

Sodomy remains illegal in Utah
for all but married opposite-sex couples even though the Supreme Court struck down similar laws in 2003.

Utah Senate Passes Tough Anti-Gay-Marriage Bill
The Utah Senate Thursday night passed without discussion tough new legislation banning same-sex marriage and civil unions.

Utah Passes Bill To Curb Gay-Straight Student Clubs
Legislation that would allow Utah schools to ban LGBT student clubs is on its way to Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. for his signature.

Similar to the Nigerian leadership, the legislators in Utah are certainly against any association, sexual relationships, religious ceremonies and marriage of gays and lesbians! The only difference between Utah and Nigeria is the sentence for breaking the law is not execution... at least not yet.

On a positive note there is a thriving and resilient gay community that is fighting with every ounce of energy they have. Q Saltlake is the regional gay newspaper although it has a very brief local section it is still inspirational to know that gays will persevere regardless of the homophobes and bigots in power.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The authentic life - choose wisely

The Spokane gay community has been giving the CPR (caring, preventing, restoring homosexuality) a lot of press and rightly so. There was much debate in the community, once the document was circulated, whether to give it some air time and expose the “ex-gay” ministry for the myth that it is or just let it go. I have to admit I was originally on the “just let it go” side and hope it fades into the ancient past like the rest of the fundamentalist-anti-gay-social-conservative ideals and be done with it.

Then I read the heart wrenching stories of Anderson, Mahieu and ‘Lisa’ in the Stonewall. The damage inflicted on these individuals as a result of their attempt to repress that portion of their lives into submission is intolerable. Why should we “just let it go” when the ‘ex-gay” movement causes so much pain, anguish and self hatred in direct contradiction of modern psychological precedents?

So, publish it wide and expose it for the myth that it is and the harm that it causes. The minds behind the madness of this outrage are preying on the most vulnerable in our community and at what price?

The primary premise behind the CPR document is that homosexuality is a choice. On this point I completely agree. Being gay or being straight is a choice. But not the choice you might think. The choice is not to be gay or be straight, the choice is to live life or live a lie.

It is time to reframe the debate over choice.

The so called ex-gays never “cure” themselves they choose to suppress the core of their being and go through life as half of a person, a divided psyche. To live with a divided psyche is harmful at best, causes suicidal tendencies at worst. Anyone who suffers this divided life has made a choice. The choice was not to suddenly be straight, for this is impossible; the choice is to beat that aspect of the self into suppression. In doing so the psychological damage can be severe, all reputable psychologists agree on this point as the APA maintains.

At some point in our lives, either gay or straight, all of us have faced with a duality of self. We put on the false self to meet new people, our defenses go up in strange environments, we act completely differently when alone than in public. The harm comes when a core aspect of our personhood is brutally suppressed out of shame, fear, bigotry or hatred. The only place where these traits of shame, fear, bigotry and hatred exist is in society as a whole, perpetuated by the eternal diatribe of religious fanatics.

Many of us know from personal experience how it feels to live a divided life. Inwardly, we experience one imperative of our lives, but outwardly we respond to quite another. This is the human condition, of course – our inner and outer worlds are never in perfect harmony. But there are extremes of dividedness that become intolerable, when one can no longer live without bringing one’s actions into harmony with one’s inner life. When that happens inside of one person, then another, and another, and another, in relation to a significant social issue, a movement may be conceived. -Dr. Parker J. Palmer from The Courage to Teach.

The ex-gay movement establishes an “intolerable dividedness” that requires action. Only by being true to themselves can gays and lesbians live an authentic life. Being an authentic individual merely means being a person who is honest and has an awareness of self that supersedes the false exterior. To force a person into a mold of humanity that is not their own or of their making, under the threat of eternal damnation, is abuse in its most intimate form.

No, the community should not remain silent about the “ex-gay” ministry; in fact the gay community should rise up and denounce it!

Being out is living life as we are predisposed to live it. Being out is loving ourselves unconditionally as we are. Being out is the only way to live without fear, without self loathing, without internalized homophobia. Being out is being authentic.

It is time to reframe the debate over choice.

It is true that being gay is a choice. The choice is to live the life authentic or live the life of lies.

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Scooter takes a fall

But for whom I wonder?

Libby guilty on 4 of 5 counts

Libby was convicted of:
  • obstruction of justice when he intentionally deceived a grand jury investigating the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame;
  • making a false statement by intentionally lying to FBI agents about a conversation with NBC newsman Tim Russert;
  • perjury when he lied in court about his conversation with Russert;
  • a second count of perjury when he lied in court about conversations with other reporters.
Jurors cleared him of a second count of making a false statement relating to a conversation he had with Matt Cooper of Time magazine.

Libby, 56, faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison and a fine of $1 million. A hearing on a presentencing report is scheduled for June 5.

Is there anyone out there who does not believe that Scooter was working at the behest of the Vice President?

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

What a fractured community looks like

What is the gay community in Seattle doing? They had an enormous quarrel last year about where to have the pride parade and festival. Two factions formed, Seattle Out and Proud who decided to move the festival from Capitol Hill to downtown and a grassroots organization that wanted to keep it on the hill.

Apparently, a number of sponsors pulled away from both events because of the contentious back-biting and bickering among people who should share the same values and have the maturity to work together. What mission do they accomplish by dividing forces and pointing fingers at each other? The first mission to defeat an enemy is to divide its forces. Who needs the religious right and social conservatives when you have a bunch of egocentric homo's running the show?

Year-old debt puts gay-pride event in jeopardy

Moving Seattle's gay pride parade and festival downtown from Capitol Hill last year was supposed to make it bigger and better. But debt stemming from the 2006 festival has raised questions about this year's event.

The Seattle Center says organizers of the annual parade and festival still haven't paid the $96,000 owed to the Center for last year's three-day fest, and Center officials told organizers Seattle Out and Proud in February that they won't work on this year's festival until the bill is paid.

The event's financial problems came after a contentious decision last summer to move the parade after 26 years from Broadway and the festival from Volunteer Park on Capitol Hill. Instead, the parade traveled along Fourth Avenue from Westlake Mall to the Seattle Center, partly because of the symbolism of marching through downtown to the civic heart of the city.

But many residents and business people on Capitol Hill, considered the city's gay neighborhood for the past three decades, say the move abandoned the gay community's roots.

We must take away from the Seattle experience an admonition of what happens when our egos get in the way of the best interests of our community. We are strongest when we act together, as a cohesive unit, with a single goal, a single purpose. The failures in Seattle is a lesson for all of us in what it means to be a community. Remember it.


Domestic partnership bill passes Senate


Wash. Senate Passes Domestic Partnership Measure

The measure passed on a 28-19 vote, with two lawmakers excused. It now heads to the House. Gov. Chris Gregoire is expected to sign the measure if it gets to her desk.

The bill would create a domestic partnership registry with the state, and would provide enhanced rights for same-sex couples, including hospital visitation, the ability to authorize autopsies and organ donations, and inheritance rights when there is no will.

To be registered, couples would have to share a home, not be married or in a domestic relationship with someone else, and be at least 18.

Goin to the chapel and we're gonna git domestic partnered... Well we are getting closer!

Once the bill is signed by the Governor I will post instructions on how to get registered for benefits. Its a far cry from full marriage but we are well on our way. This bill will make such a huge difference in our ability to care for our loved ones.

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Gay vets call for repeal of DADT

The story of Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva is not only heart warming it is inspirational as well. One of the first Americans to be wounded in Iraq he remained quiet about his sexual orientation until now. He has joined with the HRC to demand the repeal of DADT.

Read on...

Gay veteran calls for end of 'Don't ask, don't tell'
"Who would have guessed that the first American wounded was a gay Marine?" Alva said Wednesday.

Alva's service and sacrifice in Iraq earned him medals, media attention and a meeting with President Bush and the first lady.

Now, he wants to use his place in history to win support for a proposed law to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. armed forces.

He announced his homosexuality at a Wednesday news conference on Capitol Hill, where he called for the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the service to be abandoned.

DADT must be repealed! Alva's story is a testament to this broken policy that not only hurts our military but also weakens our country.

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