Monday, April 30, 2007

Gay marriage on the line in MA

That's right folks, when we achieve a small step, whether it is a small domestic partnership registry or full marriage equality, the other side is prepared to go to the mat to force their bigotry on everyone. Marriage in Massachusetts is on the line with a referendum to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot.

Rights groups battle question on gay nuptials

Gay and lesbian advocates are hoping that a video and house parties will boost their campaign to block a referendum that would outlaw gay marriage in Massachusetts.

An 11-minute video arguing for the preservation of gay marriage is scheduled to be unveiled today and tomorrow at house parties across the state, said Marc Solomon , campaign director for Mass Equality, a gay rights advocacy group.

"Advocates for gay rights are getting their family and friends together to watch the video and go out and support us," Solomon said.

The target of the campaign: the state's 200 legislators, and in particular, the 63 legislators who in January voted to put gay marriage on a statewide ballot in November 2008.

So you think we are all set here in WA with our minuscule step towards equality? Do you think the fight is over and we are just one legislative session away from full marriage? Think again! The DP registry will be the catalyst to rally the Washington Wingnuts to attempt a constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage altogether. All they need are a few more social conservatives in office and we can kiss all of the great work goodbye right along with recognition of our relationships.

I would wager that none of you readers out there even know that a marriage amendment was introduced this year? Resolution SJR 8219 "Defining marriage as between a male and a female" introduced by Senators Swecker, Hargrove, Benton, Sheldon, Holmquist, Carrell, Roach, Zarelli, Clements, Delvin, Rasmussen.


THAT, At the next general election to be held in this state the secretary of state shall submit to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article I of the Constitution of the state of Washington by adding a new section to read as follows:

Article I, section Marriage in Washington state shall consist solely of two persons, a male and a female. The uniting of two persons other than a male and a female in any marital relationship is not valid in this state, and, although valid in another jurisdiction, is not recognized as valid in this state. The legislature may provide for such restrictions or sanctions on marriage related to age or degree of kinship as it deems necessary.

So it is all ready to go. All they need is enough politicians in office to get it out of committee. Can we sit back on our collective gay asses now? As a community we tend to relax and become apathetic to what is really going on after a small victory, that would be wrong! We now have to work harder than ever in Washington to ensure our fair minded elected officials stay in office.

What will you do this week to support the cause?

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