Gay marriage in the hands of Gen – Next
Or so it would seem.
The good news, according to a recent Pew Research Center and MacNeil-Lehrer poll, young adults age 18-25 have more liberal views of race and homosexuality.
The bad news, this same poll indicates that this generation is less inclined to vote than other generations.
So, I guess until something dramatically changes with older generations, we have to patiently wait for our civil rights until this generation decides it is a good idea to get out there and vote! Hopefully, if marriage comes to a vote in Washington, the 18-25ers will get to the polls!
Report: Generation Next More Confident
So there you have it. Go tell all of the 18-25 year olds that you know to get registered to vote! Then tell them to actually fill out the ballot and send it in. (They may need reminding every November.)
The good news, according to a recent Pew Research Center and MacNeil-Lehrer poll, young adults age 18-25 have more liberal views of race and homosexuality.
The bad news, this same poll indicates that this generation is less inclined to vote than other generations.
So, I guess until something dramatically changes with older generations, we have to patiently wait for our civil rights until this generation decides it is a good idea to get out there and vote! Hopefully, if marriage comes to a vote in Washington, the 18-25ers will get to the polls!
Report: Generation Next More Confident
The young adults of Generation Next are more optimistic, more tolerant and more likely Democratic voters than their predecessors, according to a new study.
Are less inclined to vote than older generations, though young voter turnout was up significantly in 2004. About 54 percent of those from 18 to 24 voted in 2004, and 74 percent of those 25 and over voted, Keeter said.
Have more liberal views than other generations on questions of race and homosexuality and immigration.
So there you have it. Go tell all of the 18-25 year olds that you know to get registered to vote! Then tell them to actually fill out the ballot and send it in. (They may need reminding every November.)
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