Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The School Board needs to hear from you!

Open letter to all activists and concerned citizens,

The school board needs to hear from you!

In the October 19th Spokesman Review was an article about the addition of the Executive Director of the Odyssey Youth Center to the districts human growth and development committee. As most of you know, Odyssey is the only all inclusive LGBT youth center in the Inland Northwest. The addition of the E.D. to this committee is a significant step in addressing the needs of LGBT youth in Spokane public schools.

Odyssey director joins advisory committee

The Spokane school board voted last week to add a representative from the Odyssey Youth Center to a committee that examines and makes recommendations about the district's human growth and development curriculum.

Ramon Alvarez, the executive director of the Odyssey Youth Center, a center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth, will fill a spot left vacant on the Citizens Advisory Committee for Human Growth and Development by a representative from the Spokane County Domestic Violence Consortium.

This is a significant sign of progress from just two years ago when the headlines read:

School board decides against materials on homosexuality; Panel splits
From the Spokesman Review July 15th 2004

A dozen people spoke out at Spokane Public Schools' board meeting Wednesday, saying they were concerned and offended by classroom materials on homosexuality and homophobia under consideration by the board of directors.

Though the materials were recommended by one committee of teachers and administrators, a 14-person citizens advisory committee and a group of principals, board members did not vote to adopt the materials. The four school board members present at the meeting uncharacteristically split their vote, after listening to almost two hours of testimony.…

Scott Stowell, coordinator of science, health and human growth and development for the district, said he had long been searching for appropriate resource materials regarding sexual orientation.

"Students need medically accurate information," he said. When he came across the video and the accompanying handout, he thought they were balanced and accurate.

"I thought it was a resource that could help," he said. "It defines different types of homosexuality, and provides fairly good working definitions. There are gay youth in the district, and there are problems with sexual harassment. We're trying to provide information that will help the whole student body understand."

The religious conservatives are beginning a letter writing campaign to the School Board and letters to the editor in complaint of the “homosexual agenda”. They are seeking to create a “ground swell” of supporters for their cause.

Why should the School Board be bombarded with complaints and no letters of support?

It is time for our community to pro-actively address these new positive developments by sending letters of support to the School Board and letters to the editor.

Why do we always sit back after a success and wait for the back lash before we are inspired to action again?

If we truly want to seek positive change in our region we have to lead the debate, not react to it with anger as our accomplishments are taken away or assaulted by those who view us with contempt and hatred.

You can take a stand with 2 minutes of your time! Keep the momentum of this positive movement going! Send a quick note to the School Board in support of this positive move towards a more inclusive and tolerant Advisory Committee, they should be overwhelmed with commendations for this action not criticisms. The addition of the executive director of Odyssey is a move towards a more inclusive, safe and supportive environment for our kids.

Email the school board: SchoolBoard@spokaneschools.org
For specific individuals view this website: http://www.spokaneschools.org/HGD/

crossposted at Blogging Spokane