Friday, September 29, 2006

Conservative GOP congressman flirting with boys online

The top stories all day today have brought back memories of the Jim West scandal. The difference is that while West's behavior was abhorrent, his actions were not technically illegal because his victims were all adults (over the age of 18). This so called conservative Christian, Values Voter, Family Values lovin, staunch Republican is going after kids! Thats right, kids 16 year old Office Pages! Hence his instant resignation as soon as this little IM between him and a young boy was published today:

Maf54 is Congressman Foley's handle, the below are from three different IM conversations:

Maf54: You in your boxers, too?
Teen: Nope, just got home. I had a college interview that went late.
Maf54: Well, strip down and get relaxed.

Maf54: What ya wearing?
Teen: tshirt and shorts
Maf54: Love to slip them off of you

Maf54: Do I make you a little horny ?
Teen: A little.
Maf54: Cool.

One more corrupt Republican to add to the list of GOP'ers that have resigned from various scandals. This year has seen the demise of 5 GOP congressmen, governors, and mayors. On the other side of the aisle, only 1 Democratic congressman is in hot water over a corruption charge and none have been forced to resign. Interesting...

John Arivossis at AmericaBlog is all over this story! Head on over and check out the details!