Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Is it true?

12-year-old boy undergoing sex change
VIENNA, Jan. 28 A 12-year-old European boy will become the world's youngest sex-change recipient after convincing doctors he is in the wrong body and wants to be female.

The boy, who has changed his name from Tim to Kim, has begun receiving hormone treatment in preparation for the operation that will eventually lead to a sex change, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

Doctors diagnosed Kim as transsexual two years ago, after psychiatrists determined that feelings of being in the wrong body appeared to be so deeply felt that he required treatment.

I try to avoid posting anyhing that I cannot verify without a shadow of a doubt. SO take this with a grain of salt since I have not been able to find articles or information to validate this one.

This instance raises enormous issues and possibilities for our T's. What would like have been like if human beings were able to live their gender from such an early age?

UPDATE: I still have not verified if this is a fact, rumor or urban legend. The story has sped through the blogosphere and appears to be ligitimate but who knows?
